
Creating New Value for the Seto Inland Sea through Local Resources x Carbon Offsetting
We will use the islands of the Seto Inland Sea as the location to realize a model for decarbonized small-scale communities that reduce CO2.


“Blue Carbon” initiative to live in harmony with the ocean

「ブルーカーボン」とは、海洋生物により海洋環境に吸収・貯留された炭素のこと。国連環境計画(UNEP)が2009年に発行した報告書『Blue Carbon』のなかではじめて定義されました。海藻や干潟、マングローブ林などは、陸上の森林と同じように極めて高い二酸化炭素(CO2)吸収能力を持っており、このブルーカーボン生態系を保護育成することで、吸収されたCO2量をクレジット化し、脱炭素社会に向けたカーボンオフセットに役立てようという取り組みが、世界中で進んでいます。

What is “Blue Carbon”?
Blue carbon” refers to carbon absorbed and sequestered by marine organisms in the marine environment. It was first defined in the report “Blue Carbon” published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2009. Seaweed, tidal flats, and mangrove forests have the same extremely high carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption capacity as land forests, and efforts are underway around the world to protect and nurture these blue carbon ecosystems in order to credit the amount of CO2 absorbed and use it to offset carbon emissions toward a decarbonized society. This is being done around the world.



・海のゼロエミッション を体験するスタディツアーなどの観光開発

What is “Blue Carbon Credit”?
“Carbon offset” refers to the offsetting of CO2 emissions that companies and others cannot reduce on their own by purchasing credits that are issued in proportion to the amount of CO2 reduction or absorption achieved elsewhere. In Japan, the “J-Credit” system was introduced in 2013 mainly for offsets through energy-saving / renewable energy facilities, forest management, etc. In 2020, the “Blue Carbon Credit” certification system was newly started for the marine environment.

Marine environments are rapidly deteriorating due global warming and other factors, which has led to the loss of seaweed beds and decrease in fish harvest. This not only effects fishermen and coastal areas, but is now threatening the diet of people throughout Japan. As a sustainable initiative to “restore the richness of the sea,” we are promoting the Blue Carbon Project by connecting the Seto Inland Sea with urban areas and businesses.

●Our initiatives
・Research of seaweed bed restoration suitable for the Seto Inland Sea in cooperation with seaweed experts.
・Support for the issuance of Blue Carbon credits.
・Support for fisheries through seaweed cultivation and other blue carbon activities.
・Tourism development such as educational tours to experience ocean based zero emissions initiatives.


Developing a next generation Sustainable Seaside Town.



Thinking about island life 100 years from now
The Seto Inland Sea is home to 727 islands of various sizes, of which approximately 140 are inhabited. From islands with a population of two to those with a population of 100,000, the Seto Inland Sea has long served as a route connecting Japan and the rest of the world, fostering a diverse island culture. On the other hand, 50% of the inhabited islands have a population of less than 100 people, and it is not uncommon to find islands where more than half of the population is elderly. If the population continues to decline at this rate, it will become difficult to maintain and sustain the essential infrastructures of island life, such as regularly scheduled ferries, garbage collection, and medical and welfare services.



The advantages of working on a smaller scale
How can we continue to live prosperously on the islands even as the population decreases? We are formulating a next-generation “Umimachi” model, in which small communities have all the necessary functions, different from the conventional large communities of the past. Smaller scale will make it easier to shift the community’s energy use. By unitlizing resources available the islands while also reducing energy consumption, and combining that with small-scale power generation, we can create an “micro-grid” island . A big challenge starting from a small island. This is one of “Umirai” we are aiming for.

●Our Initiatives
・Energy audits of homes, etc., and proposals for energy-saving measures
・Conducting training seminars on insulation renovation.